Our Purpose
The members of the Texas Society of Mammalogists are driven by a single goal; to promote the study of mammals, living and fossil. As a diverse group of scientists, policy makers, and students centered in Texas and the surrounding states, we work to expand and disseminate knowledge of mammalian ecology, evolution, and conservation. To view our constitution, click here. For a brief history of the society, click here.
TSM Inclusivity Statement
The Texas Society of Mammalogists (TSM) prohibits discrimination, harassment, and bullying against any member because of ancestry, color, national origin, marital status, veteran status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, political affiliation, or any other characteristic protected by law. The TSM expects its members, volunteers, and other constituents, when and wherever they are conducting TSM business or participating in TSM events or activities, to maintain an environment free of discrimination, harassment, bullying, or retaliation.
Discrimination is defined as treating individuals differently – either preferentially or with adverse impact – because they have similar characteristics or because they are from specific groups, unless differential treatment is reasonable, essential, and directly related to conducting TSM business or when serving as an official representative of the TSM.
TSM Code of Conduct
The Texas Society of Mammalogists (TSM) aims to operate in the best interest of the Society and its membership through its policies and procedures. Professional conduct is expected of all TSM members, of any individual representing the TSM, and of all participants in TSM-sponsored activities. We define professional conduct broadly to include respectful and ethical treatment of others. The TSM is dedicated to ensuring the opportunity for active, equal participation in all TSM functions or sponsored activities by all members and participants, regardless of gender, race, national origin, ethnicity, age, physical appearance, disability, or sexual orientation. Discrimination and harassment are prohibited by the TSM; no individual should feel harassed, threatened, or unsafe at any TSM-sponsored activity.
Concerns or allegations of misconduct or harassment should be directed to one of the three Ombudspersons or the Society President. The ombudspersons are: Dana Lee (dalee@cameron.edu), Jessica Light (jessica.light@ag.tamu.edu), and Russell Pfau (pfau@tarleton.edu).
Click here to see the full TSM Code of Conduct. Please be aware that the on-line reporting forms are not active at this time.

The Texas Society of Mammalogists annual meetings are held at the Texas Tech University Junction campus on the beautiful Llano River. The 2025 meeting will be held February 14-16. For more information about our meetings please go here.

Membership in the Texas Society of Mammalogists is open to anybody interested in the study of mammals. We work to keep membership dues extremely low to allow students to participate, and have been able to do so because of the financial forethought of our founding members. Click here for more information.
"For in the end, we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we know, and we will know only what we are taught."
Baba Dioum