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Conservation Committee - Michael Tewes, Chair

 The role of this Committee is to monitor governmental and other activities (at state, national and international levels) that relate to conservation of mammals in Texas; advise officers and membership of the Texas Society of Mammalogists on issues of concern; and respond to the issues via formal resolutions to the membership, by sending letters to responsible individuals or agencies, and by other appropriate means. This Committee is intended to serve as a clearinghouse for information on all aspects of conservation of Texas mammals and to maintain the capacity to respond promptly and effectively in crises.


Committee for Honorary Members - Phil Sudman, Chair

 The function of this Committee is to evaluate candidates for honorary membership in the Texas Society of Mammalogists. Honorary membership in the Texas Society of Mammalogists is granted in recognition of distinguished service to the science of mammalogy in Texas. The Committee solicits and receives nominations both from outside and within the Committee, assembles supporting documentation and evaluates the qualifications of the candidates. Pending majority approval of the Executive Committee, the recommendation(s) of the Committee for Honorary Membership is/are presented to the Membership by the President at the Annual Meeting.


Committee for Student Honoraria – Dara Orbach, Chair

 This Committee selects the outstanding paper(s) presented by a graduate or undergraduate student at the annual Texas Society of Mammalogists meeting.


Financial Advisory Committee - Phil Sudman, Chair

 The role of this Committee is to act as the liaison between the financial advising firm and the society, and advise the officers and membership of the Texas Society of Mammalogists on financial issues that affect the society.


Ad hoc Auction Committee - Krysta Demere and Katie Kuzdak , Co-Chairs

 The role of this Committee is to request and collect donations, set up and help conduct the live and silent auctions at the meeting, and help collect payments at the end of the auctions.


Ad hoc Government Liaison Committee - Michael Tewes, Chair

The role of this Committee is to facilitate interactions between the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and TSM regarding issues that may affect mammalian conservation and research in Texas. It is similar to the Conservation Committee but is aimed specifically at communicating with TPWD.


Ad hoc Informatics Committee - Michelle Haynie, Chair

The role of this Committee is to update and maintain the web and social media presence of the society. TSM currently has Facebook and Twitter accounts.

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